Servansingh Jadav & Partners Consulting Engineers Ltd (SJPCE Ltd) provides consultancy services in the fields of civil engineering (bridges, roads, water and sewerage networks, treatment plants, ports etc.); environmental engineering including solid waste management and Environmental Impact Assessment; infrastructure works, land development, roads and drains and sewer network for morcellement. The firm also specialises in building structures including multi storeyed buildings and foundations.
Emphasis is placed on creation of a working environment which allows the SJPCE team to constantly improve their skill. The quality and efficiency of our service is optimised with the help of the latest computer aided design and drafting facilities.
Where necessary, Specialist Consultants are employed to supplement the firm’s own expertise in certain fields. We have a staff of over fifty including ten Registered Professional Engineers, many of whom have more than fifteen years experience with the firm supported by a team of CAD technicians and site supervisors.
We are based at 7 Remy Ollier Street, Beau Bassin, Mauritius in a modern fully equipped two storeyed building with a floor area of 600 square metres.